Aussie Lifts are the experts in accessibility for specialist disability accommodation (SDA). SDA is NDIS-supported housing designed for people living with “extreme functional impairment or very high support needs”.

A lift is a practical mobility solution that creates a more usable and safe space in a specialist disability accommodation (SDA) environment.

Lifts allow for more effective and flexible delivery of other supports and services to NDIS participants. Respond to resident, staff and visitor needs in specialist disability accommodation – with lifts that:

Enhance liveability

Are robust and fit for purpose

Are fully accessible

Offer high physical support


Orion Compact Orion Extended
Manufacturer Aussie Lifts Pty Ltd Aussie Lifts Pty Ltd
Code Compliance BCA E3.3, E3.6 and AS1735.12 –
BCA E3.3, E3.6 and AS1735.12 –
Rated Speed .3m/s with a 3-phase supply or
.175m/s with single phase supply
.3m/s with a 3-phase supply or
.175m/s with single phase supply
Power Requirements 32A 3 Phase Supply or 32A Single
Phase Supply
32A 3 Phase Supply or 32A Single
Phase Supply
Internal Car Size Width 1100mm
Length 1650mm
Height 2100mm
Width 1200mm
Length 2000mm
Height 2100mm
Entrance Clear opening 900mm 900mm
Number of entrances Single Entry or Through Car
(Refer to Aussie Lifts for dual
entry specifications and
Single Entry or Through Car
(Refer to Aussie Lifts for dual
entry specifications and
Lift Capacity 500kg 500kg
Maximum Travel Height Upto 7.2m Upto 7.2m
Minimum Overhead
required – TOS
2600mm 2600mm
Minimum Pit Depth 150mm 150mm
Minimum Lift Well
Dimensions to be
supplied by Builder
Width 1840mm
Depth 2110mm
Height is Design Specific
Width 1840mm
Depth 2610mm
Height is Design Specific
Lift Shaft Construction Pre-Fabricated, Self Supporting
Aluminium Tower
Pre-Fabricated, Self Supporting
Aluminium Tower
Machine Cabinet
Width 605mm
Depth 335mm
Height 1800mm
Width 605mm
Depth 335mm
Height 1800mm
Warranty 3 Years Parts and Labour 3 Years Parts and Labour
Service Requirements Bi-Annual Bi-Annual


In Car Self Rescue:
In the event of a lift fault the occupant has the ability to lower the car to the ground level and open the doors.
Note: For safety reasons this feature will not work if a lift door is not closed

Emergency Power Backup:
The lift is fitted with an emergency battery system to maintain the car lights, emergency phone, automatic doors for a 12 Hour period upon main power loss

Emergency Self Dialling Phone System:
Lift car is fitted with an automatic self-dialling phone system capable of automatically connecting to a number of emergency contacts.

Lift Manual Override:
In the event of an emergency the lift car can be manually lowered to the ground level by an onsite carer.

Occupant Detection:
The lift will sense the presence of an occupant entering the lift car. Should the occupant become unresponsive while traveling in the lift for a determined amount of time. The lift will return to the ground floor, open the doors and operate an alarm.


UPS Battery Backup:
This option is available to independently power the lift in the event of a mains power loss to operate the lift for up to 15 uses.

Home Automation Integration:
Control integrations to integrate into a home automation system / Building Management system. Typical uses maybe for security control, alarms, voice control etc.

Custom sensors to cater for those with limited mobility:
Including RFID long range controls with integration to Wheelchairs. Door sensors to operate the lift automatically, where the user may not have the ability to utilise standard control buttons.


Replaceable Wall panels:
The lift car interior wall panels are easily replaceable at little cost should they become damaged by wheelchair use.

Modular semi prefabricated design:
All lifts are pre-assembled and tested at our Brisbane Facility and ready for installation

Parts availability guarantee:
Guarantee for replacement parts and components. Aussie Lifts holds stock for all lift models offered and does not rely on overseas supply.


Inclusively designed and made in Australia, Aussie Lifts’ high-quality products exceed the NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation Design Standard. They feature a range of options to suit people with different disabilities – to ensure that they have the flexibility to respond to individual needs.


<span style=”white-space: pre-wrap;”>Multi-storey SDA housing requires lifts with a minimum clear opening of 900 mm and a lift car size of at least 1,100 x 1,400 mm – according to the NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation Design Standard.</span>

<span style=”white-space: pre-wrap;”>Aussie Lifts works in collaboration with all SDA stakeholders to deliver stair lifts and platform lifts that are automatic, small footprint and require minimal maintenance. </span>


Provider Registration Number: 4050019140
As an accredited NDIS provider, Aussie Lifts has empowered Australians to live more independently since 1995. We’re committed to removing barriers to everyday living – helping those participating in the NDIS with leading independent, safe and vibrant lives.

We’ve developed and installed over 5,000 lifts over more than two decades. That makes us the trusted professionals for SDA builds.

More than 4500+ Lifts Installed over the 25 years